
For Easter my whole Mom's side of the family got together and had a yummy Lamb and pilaf dinner.  Its really fun because there are 6 kids under the age of 5 and my cousin and I are both pregnant.  It is going to be crazy with three more babies! I love Easter Sunday, even though it wasn't very warm, its fun to see everyone in spring dresses.  I also taught a lesson on the temple endowment and it really made me think about how grateful I am for eternal families and for Matt and I to start our own.  It was also fast and testimony meeting which was different for Easter, but I really liked it. The people in our ward are amazing. I wish Easter was a bigger holiday.  I feel like we talk about Christmas so much, but not Easter as much.  I have loved the Mormon Messages on Easter, they have been really touching. Here are two videos from Easter of my Mom making my nephew Zander laugh.  They are really cute, he is such a happy, giggly baby.


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