Come Follow Me Resources

I gave a talk today in sacrament on the challenges and successes of the new Come Follow Me Curriculum. Here are some links to come resources I have been loving!

You Tube Channel
Don’t Miss This – Emily Freeman Dave Butler
Basically a half hour in depth lesson. You can listen like a podcast to, don't need to watch.

A little cheesy at times but some great insights into the week's lesson.

This is an index of the scriptures and links to when the scriptures are used in talks by general authorities. I try to find a talk or two from these links to listen to each week. 

Puts ancient text to more modern English, great commentary and historical insights.

Red Headed hostess
I subscribe to her weekly scripture kit which I can use for FHE and my Primary Lesson.
Then I use her New Testament Study Guide.

Takes the four gospels and lays them out side by side for each story.
I live being able to compare what each apostle said about one event easily.

Line Upon Line
Journaling editions of the New Testament and other scriptures so you can write or draw in the margins.
If you want one with footnotes has a New Testament spiral bound with footnotes. has two video resources I love Bible Videos are amazing videos, but I feel like 
Scripture Stories work really well for little kids. They have a simple narration and explain what is going on.

Accounts on Instagram:
@come_follow_me_learning_tips - insights on the weekly lesson
@comefollowmefhe – lessons for kids
@colorlylove FHE Subscription
@redheadedhostess - FHE ideas, personal study ideas.

You can even enable an Alexa skill for music that fits that weeks topics!
Alexa, Open Come Follow Me music

Create a personal study plan!
Within the LDS Gospel Library app go to Library then click the icon for study Plans.

Purchase the Sunday School Manual for more in depth lesson, purchase primary for young kids.
Spiral bind your manual
Friend Magazine has tons of resources
Singing the corresponding songs in the lessons.
Buy each kid a journal to draw and write notes.

Book of Mormon Central - Website with resources to talks and Book of Mormon scriptures relating to the lessons.

Podcast – comefollowme4us Haven't tried yet but heard its good.
Come Follow Me Podcast Meridian Magazine Scot and Maureen Proctor, weekly articles

How are you studying?
Let me know if you have other resources you are using!


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