Correction, Micheal Allred on Mormons
If all your dishes have your name written on them with masking tape...
You might be a Mormon.
If you post date your checks while shopping on Sunday...
You might be a Mormon.
If your Mom was pregnant at your sister's wedding reception...
You might be a Mormon.
If you pray that your food might "nourish and strengthen your body "before eating doughnuts...
You might be a Mormon.
If at least one of your salad bowls is at a neighbor's house...
You might be a Mormon.
If you've ever written a "Dear-John" to more than two missionaries on the same day....
You might be a Mormon.
If you have never arrived at a meeting on time...
You might be a Mormon.
If you have more wheat stored in your basement than most third world countries...
You might be a Mormon.
If you think it is all right to watch football on Sundays as long as a direct descendant of Brigham Young is playing... You might be a Mormon.
If you have to guess more than five times the name of the child you're disciplining...
You might be Mormon.
And my own addition:
If you say "We had the opportunity" when you want to brag... you might be a Mormon