Correction, Micheal Allred on Mormons

If all your dishes have your name written on them with masking tape...

You might be a Mormon.

If you post date your checks while shopping on Sunday...

You might be a Mormon.

If your Mom was pregnant at your sister's wedding reception...

You might be a Mormon.

If you pray that your food might "nourish and strengthen your body "before eating doughnuts...

You might be a Mormon.

If at least one of your salad bowls is at a neighbor's house...

You might be a Mormon.

If you've ever written a "Dear-John" to more than two missionaries on the same day....

You might be a Mormon.

If you have never arrived at a meeting on time...

You might be a Mormon.

If you have more wheat stored in your basement than most third world countries...

You might be a Mormon.

If you think it is all right to watch football on Sundays as long as a direct descendant of Brigham Young is playing... You might be a Mormon.

If you have to guess more than five times the name of the child you're disciplining...

You might be Mormon.

And my own addition:

If you say "We had the opportunity" when you want to brag... you might be a Mormon


mikeisha said…
That's funny. I think I have heard some of those before. I guess he does his research or else he has some good friends who are/were LDS.
Janelle said…
faroe! hi!!! this is "kis___by" from freshman year! (put that line in there so i can't be searched online? so private, aren't i?) i found your blog on marianne's and it's so nice to see what you're up to these days. in the few minutes i've had to glance at your blog, you look like you're doing great! our blog is private, so email me at kdw192004 at yahoo and i'll invite you if you even care. anyway, good to connect again!

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