160 Kids in Primary!

Our new ward is really awesome, but it is going to take some adjusting. Don't worry that we have 160 kids in our primary and you know how people say that their sacraments are loud? Well I have never heard anything like this. Its not just a few babies crying, it is seriously a loud rumble of little kids talking. Its kind of fun though because if the speaker is boring you can always watch the kids playing around you. I also feel super young, most of the parents are in their late 30's, early 40's, and its funny, people are so assuming. if I had a dollar for every time someone was surprised that we bought the house and aren't renting it, and that we don't have kids, I'd be rich. The ward seems really cool though, good lessons and discussions, and get this, they handed out home baked cookies in Relief Society, an ornament, and a family home evening lesson ... amazing. Also, Matt and I might run into trouble being the black sheep of the neighborhood. Our garbage cans were the only ones still out on the street, everyone's driveway is perfectly shoveled, and just wait until spring when I'll have to garden and everything.


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