
Argentina was the whole reason we got to go on the trip. Matt's Insurance company won an incentive trip and it was amazing. They put us up in a really nice hotel, gave us three course meals for every meal, and more meat that I have ever seen or eaten in my whole life. Some of the meat was kind of fatty proving our theory that America takes food from every country and makes it better. Rodizio in Salt Lake was better than the Churrascarias in Brasil and the Rodizios in Argentina. We toured Buenos Aires, which has a very French European feel and then we went to an area outside of the city that had a buch of little rivers that is only accessible by boat where tons of people lived in cute littel houses with docks. We also went to Colonia, Uruguay which is a quaint old city with cool houses and a cool old lighthouse. I would have to say the highlight of the Argentina part was the Tango shows we went to. They were amazing, I didn't know the things they were doing were possible (in a non-sexual way). It was pretty cool to see. Well, I guess that is our trip.


Erin said…
This trip sounds AMAZING!
Amy said…

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