The Abs Diet?
I am not the type of person that tries fad diets, but I just finished reading this book called The Abs Diet by the editor of Men's Health magazine and I think it makes some very good points. Basically, it tells you to focus on muscle building rather than endurance or running and tells you to increase your protein, fiber, and whole grains and limit carbs that are high on the Glycemic index. He says Carbs like white rice and white bread are high on the glycemic index, which means they create spikes in blood sugar levels. This gives us quick energy, but then leaves us hungry and in need of energy sooner. Proteins and fibers help us feel fuller longer because they are harder to break down and give us longer lasting energy. He says our body also burns more calories to digest these foods and they also help our metabolism. High glycemic foods are also more likely to turn into fat. He recommends concentrating on lifting weights because he says after the first 20 minutes of aerobic exercise our bodies start using our muscle mass for energy. That is why runners are so skinny. He says weight lifting also burns more calories in the long run because your body uses a lot of calories repairing muscles broken down by lifting. I have only been trying this for a little while, but I can really tell that I do feel fuller longer by eating more protein and whole grains and fiber. If you know me my favorite things are cereal, rolls, and high glycemic foods, but I have tried to eliminate those foods, and changed them to whole grain, not just wheat. Anyway, well see if it works, let me know what you think. Now if I can just keep away from the leftover Halloween candy.