Blacks Support of Prop 8

And I thought Prop 8 stuff would be over after the election. Black voters voted 2 to 1 for Proposition 8 and people were surprised that blacks didn't support more equal rights in light of the civil rights movement. An editorial was published in the Los Angeles Times that explains this issue very well. Click here to read it. Also the author, a black lesbian was interviewed on NPR, and had some very interesting things to say. Click here to listen to her interview. If you don't have time for either, basically she says comparing gay-marriage to the civil rights movement is demeaning, social justice and religion are staples of the black community and the white gay rights movement has separated the two and has become anti-religion. Another point she makes is that sterotypes cast white gays as racist and blacks as homophobic, butting the two groups. Anyway, the interview is very interesting if you have the time.


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